Tergom has modern computerized presses and injection  presses vertical and horizontal for molding articles with high accuracy.

The power available closing varies from 180 to 270 tons for the injection and from 120 to 160 tons for the compression presses

The articles produced by Tergom are moulded with compounds of different quality in function of   customer’s needs. The blends should be stored at temperatures not higher than 23 ° C and should not be exposed to light, for this Tergom has a warehouse obscured and air conditioned for the perfect conservation of the compounds.


Determination of rheological parameters: The determination of rheological parameters of a compound,  is obtained by placing a piece of raw compound in the cavity formed by two furniture rooms free of the rotor to direct heating. The reaction torque measured at the level of the upper chamber is correlated with the degree of vulcanisation as a function of curing time. All evidence is handled automatically.
Determination of tensile strength and breaking elongation: The tensile test according to DIN 53504 is used to determine the tensile strength and elongation at break of standard samples of rubber. The test consists in putting in traction the sample with the help of a machine up to the breaking point. The tensile strength, expressed in N / mm² strength is measured at the time of the break, referring to the section of the sample is not stretched. The elongation at break is the elongation at break, referred to the initial length of the sample. Initial samples for testing are prepared with special cutting dies as they must have dimensions standard set of rules.

Determining the water hardness ShA and microhardness IRHD: for hardness measurements on the specs  to rubber are used two procedures:
- Shore hardness according to DIN 53505 / ISO
- Hardness penetration is sphere (Hardness Rockell) according to DIN 53519 / ISO
For the Shore A hardness is meant the resistance of a body to penetration of another hard body of conical form of a certain size at a defined pressure. The sample test shall have a smooth, flat surface of at least 30mm in diameter and a thickness of 6mm. For the IRHD hardness (penetration hardness of sphere) it is meant the resistance opposite by a rubber sample to the penetration of a spherical body defined at a given pressure: the specimen must have a smooth, flat surface with a thickness of between 1.5 and 2.5 mm. Measuring tools have a hardness scale of 0 to 100 units Shore A or IRHD, with 0 being the lowest hardness and 100 the highest.

Determining the density of the mixture: The test is carried out with a special instrument formed by an electronic balance and a beaker containing distilled water at room temperature. The density of the test compound is determined by the ratio between the weight of the specimen in air and the volume of the specimen in water

Determination of the permanent deformation to the compression after constant deformation (Compression-set): the permanent deformation is a parameter used very often for judging the behavior of gaskets  in the event of permanent deformation by compression constant and prolonged, at different temperatures. The test is adjusted in accordance with DIN 53517 Part 1 and 2.
We are using the shell as specimens are cylindrical disks of various sizes, vulcanized in molds or derived by plates. The test may also be performed on finished articles (for example, o-rings).


Tergom has a laboratory equipped with:

      • Rheometer
      • Tension
      • Electronic ShA hardnesses and MicroIrhd
      • Hydrometer
      • Equipment for the detection of Compression-Set
      • Profile projector
      • Equipment for evidence of aging in oil